Expoziţia „Măşti, păpuşi, marionete” – Institutul Cultural Român

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Expoziţia “Măşti, păpuşi, marionete“, semnată de artista Carmen Olteanu, a fost vernisată, luni, în Sala Mare a Institutului Cultural Român, în prezenţa unui public numeros. Lumea ludică din lucrările lui Carmen Olteanu a fost admirată de cei prezenţi, artista mărturisind că a fost influenţată pentru acestea de momentele mai...

Criticism – PhD Radu George Serafim, Art critic

Category: Criticism
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“In defining a creative personality, we are either comparing it with others in the same field (sometimes without taking into account the periods of affirmation of each or the specificity of the environment in which they were), or we use criteria belonging to the artistic genre (painting, sculpture, music,...

Criticism – Prof. Vladimir M. Zamfirescu

Category: Criticism
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“Carmen Olteanu has a typical character for a vocational painter but also a strong sense of professional responsibility. This perfect conjugation of qualities already grants her a special artistic personality.” Prof. Vladimir M....

Criticism – Ana Neagoe, Curator

Category: Criticism
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“Following the pursuit of some tellurian searches, Carmen Olteanu conceives her creation through the laborious study of nature. Dedicated to the recognizable forms, the artist depicts on the canvas a seen part full of significance that transmits emotion through every stain of colour. Oscillating from landscape to portrait, from...

Criticism – Corneliu Antim, Art critic and historian

Category: Criticism
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“Carmen Olteanu is a very young and attractive artist who had the privilege of a great education under the guidance of a valued master of the brush- painter Mirel Zamfirescu. Without being under his stylistic influence, the artist keeps from his study classes the respect for the rigour of...